
Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 8 - Beachy keen!

Beach, mist and low clouds... so cool

Mari and Mari

A sunset we can see today from the Villa, most afternoons it has rained - it was a beauty tonight!
We headed to the beach today on the Pacific ocean.  Beautiful shorelines, crabby creatures living in the little holes on the beach.  We arrived at low tide and the beach was 150 feet from the treeline to the shore, by the time we left at 1pm the water was just 20 feet from the palm trees - lots of sea creatures were washed ashore, sand dollars and shells - and kids ;)  Have to keep it brief, the Villa's internet is not working, we are now at an open air restaurant having cerveza frias y almuerzo (beers and lunch)  Adios til tomorrow... maybe

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