
Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 4 - Warm chocolate croissants to start the day, wet and wild rafting the rest of the day...

Yummy cinnamon rolls!
Chocolate croissants...

The view down the street from the bakery... breathtaking

and wild!

After the rafting... a little wet.. a little wild ;)

Today was a fabulous rainy morning, we ventured to town to the German bakery for fresh out of the oven cinnamon rolls and chocolate croissants...sure beats rice and beans ;) Then onto LaFortuna which is by the volcano and filled with tourism activities.. but the white water rafting was PHENOMINAL!  The Kraus' had their own raft and the Kinder's did as well... the guides were fabulous and fun, half way through we stopped on a rocky bank and had fresh cut pineapple and watermelon as a snack then onward ho!  We saw vultures, egrets, toucans, iguana's and a sloth!  It was truly and excellent adventure and a fabulous experience that we got to share together!  The cold cervezas at the end were the best ever ;)  Low lying clouds hung over the winding roads back to the villa, everyone was quiet reviewing the experience of rafting in the rainforests of Costa Rica - wow, again, what a gift to be here experiencing this together - good peeps, good times.


  1. I look forward to yr updates everyday. It is an escape for me to see all the fun yr having. Yr comments are so 'right on' and witty. I know it is hard to focus, to keep it current, but I wanted u to know that I am really enjoying it!

  2. I think that I am most envious of the white-water rafting, kayaking on the pond, and sitting under the waterfall. Can you tell I've been overheated both in Illinois and Virginia! Looking forward to the second half of the trip. Choo

  3. Wonderful posts & pictures. I'm really enjoying looking at them here in Idaho!!! Keep them coming. Safe trip home. MOM
