
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 10 - The last day... making the most of every minute

A Baruca Mask that was so cool at an EcoLodge
while Geocaching.

Finishing the last of our Rum and Cervezas in the pool at the Villa
on the only day that had total sunshine in the afternoon in the hills!

Hola Mr. Toucan!  He only poses for Viki's camera
Found Geocache in Costa Rica... WAHOOO!

Chuckles after John calls to the Howler Monkeys and the male
returns his call with a vengence!

Trekking up the drive to the Villa after the visit with the monkeys

What... we look good.. is that wrong?

Father's Day pose with Lee and his lovely daughters
Father's Day at Playa Pinuela!

Today we rose to a beautiful sunrise with toucans in the trees... okay, just me (Viki) I am up at 5:30am :)  We got ourselves together and by 9 we were on another beach once again to play in the surf.  We feel as though we are secluded on an uncharted beach... but we are not alone... MONKEYS! As Heather and I chit chat on the beach on a log... CRACK!  A branch cracked and to our amazement above our heads there were at least 5 MONKEYS!  We got some great photos, it helped that they arrived, to get our minds off of the fact that these very moments were few of the last we were to share while in Costa Rica.  We drove for the last time up the windy mountainside to our Villa... we had to finish the cervezas that were left over in the fridge, not to mention the rum that was still calling our names in the bar.  Playing in the pool, pictures of toucans, libations and snacks in the sunshine with great friends was all we could have asked for as a finale to a wonderful day... WAIT... MORE MONKEYS!  Down the path from the Villa we were able to witness the wild call of the Howler Monkeys from just 20+ feet from our heads. John has mastered the call of the Howler, so much so that the male of the troop was inclined to out Holler John as a sign of superiority... it was quite comical... especially when Lee then chimed in as one of our "troop" males!  Dinner once again was "tipical" we picked it, and it was served to us with tablecloths and cloth napkins!  Giggles and smiles abound tonight, reviewing fun that we had throughout the week!  Manana we have to get up super early and leave the Villa by 6am... wish us luck as we again encounter uncharted territory as we travel an all new route to the airport for just the beginning of our travels home... Adios Costa Rica!  Pura Vida!


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